Oscon Show

BenFoote of the OnGallery assembled a 10x20 foot booth in the exhibit hall of the OSCON 2008 conference in Portland, Oregon. Ben was kind enough to invite DorkbotPdx regulars to include their work in his space.

I offered up three works:

The works were unified by Atmel AVR control, though only the latter two used Bynase and would be considered Cybords. They each employed a pair of ServoMotor(s) to animate a stationary sculpture. I added an irregular polygon base, cut from black FoamCore, to Glory to complete this family resemblance.

Hello Dorkbot!

ON Gallery and Makerlab has a 10 x 20 booth at OSCON in the exhibitors hall next week and we'd like to invite folks from Dorkbot to show off Arduino projects.

Paige or Anselm might have mentioned ON to some of you. We're a new gallery in the Everett Station Lofts devoted to interactive and technology based art. http://ONgallery.org (not much there - feel free to drop by and check out the space)

Specific pieces for the show include

  • an aggregation and display of images using flickr tags oscon08, oscon and using image matching technology developed by Makerlab
  • the projection portions of WHEREIS which will open at Disject this Saturday July 19th http://makerlab.com/proj ... how_whereis.html
  • large scale video projection by Drew Anderson

I'd love to add Dorkbot and some of the Arduino projects to that list. I really want to give visitors to Portland and OSCON a sense of all the excellent work that is going on here in Portland.

The schedule for the OSCON booth...

  • Tues 2pm - 6pm install, setup booth
  • Wed 10am - 7:30pm exhibit hall is open
  • Thu 10am - 5pm exhibit hall is open

It would be preferable to have any pieces (Arduinos) available for the Tuesday install, though an early drop off on Wednesday could be workable.

Also we're looking for some volunteer support for the conference. Basically just hanging out for a few hours and being amiable and talking to people about Dorkbot, Arduinos, ON Gallery and Makerlab and art and things that we might do together for art's sake.

The booth will be issued a conference pass which can be lent out and I hope volunteers will want to use it for select talks and topics. http://en.oreilly.com/os ... ic/schedule/grid

Please do contact me ASAP if you are interested in participating.




Last edited August 3, 2008
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