Cyborg Camp

This December, 2008, unconference was devoted to the extension of the human self. We were one of several invited speakers, participated in the unconference, and enjoyed the pre-event party. See also

Mock Implant

We "implanted" most of a ThrowieTalkie as a fashion accessory for the CyborgCamp pre-party at Vidoop. We ended up giving what became the wearable data logger prototype to FredGerendasy for his 11-year old son.


Temperature Logging

At the event itself we proposed replacing the implant's LED with two OneWireDigitalThermometers making a wearable indoor/outdoor thermometer. We've some experience logging from these devices:

In the proposed case the indoor side would measure body temperature through the ear, in-body, and the outdoor side would measure room temperature, out-of-body.


For ear placement, the idea is to cut into a form ear-plug making for controlled-depth ear insertion and outside temperature isolation.

Conversation revolved around how high spatial and thermal resolution make subtle effects visible. What would the wearable thermometer see? Hard to say.

Some other things worth observing with temperature:

  • micro-climate
  • sick kids
  • christmas tree
  • correlations with other sensors


We presented a survey of "time exposures" made by collecting data with the computer and rendering it in unusual ways.


The unifying concept was the artistic practice of "seeing". Here are the four examples used in the talk:

property force sensor rendering exposure page
daylight radiation photocell webcam image years
waves pressure bouy sound month
incline gravity mercury switch proportion seconds
culture grammar noun-phrase navigation years

The talk was streamed live to the net by BlazeStreamingMedia. The 40 minute presentation and 20 minute Q&A can be viewed here:

We first presented this material in 2007 at the third MetaMedia Cooperation, Eugene, Oregon.

Camp Pages

Our camp participation has spawned other pages.


Last edited December 20, 2008
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